Unauthorized Dealers
Products sold by unauthorized sellers are known as ‘diverters’ and are not authorized VI Peel sellers. VI Peel and VI Derm products are sold only at Medical Practices and Dermstore.com. You can find an authorized list of retailers at our store locator www.vipeel.com/storelocator. If you are still unsure, please contact VI Peel Headquarters at 1.855.VI.PEELS.
Risks of Purchasing Products on unauthorized sites?
VI Peel cannot guarantee if these products are old, expired or counterfeit. Our products are formulated with high percentage of actives and sensitive ingredients, which means it can be potentially harmful and unsafe to use from unauthorized sellers who can tamper with these products. Also, in regards to our peels; only a trained licensed medical practitioner is able to apply the peel. Without being properly trained, you can potentially burn a patient.
What is VI Peel Doing to fix this problem?
It is our responsibility to educate our consumers and make sure they understand the difference of purchasing through an un-authorized 3rd party vs an authorized practitioner and the risks associated with these purchases. VI Peel does monitor and track where their products are being sold. With that information we have a legal team that helps us bring down each seller one by one.
Unauthorized Sites
VI Peel is not able to identify all the sites who sell our products without permission and deceptively claim to be authorized VI Peel dealers; however, here are the most current online marketplaces that we do not authorize our products:
- Amazon
- Ebay
- Skin Care Solution Store